Upcoming Event: Debt Isn’t A Bad Word: Utilizing The Water Bank State Revolving Fund for Long-Term Infrastructure Investments webinarOrange right arrow

Water Actions: What Can You Do?

We all want clean drinking water and waterways. Fortunately, even the smallest changes by individuals, businesses and municipalities can help make a difference. Learn how you can help.


We all need access to safe, clean, and affordable drinking water.

How can one person make a difference?

  • Get to know your water and wastewater utility by visiting your utility's website or Jersey WaterCheckGet to know your water and wastewater utility by visiting your utility's website or Jersey WaterCheck
  • Attend a water or sewer utility meeting
  • Test your drinking water
  • Write letters to the editor about water infrastructure
  • Become a Green Infrastructure ChampionBecome a Green Infrastructure Champion
  • Share stories on social media about water
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