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Member Resources

Special resources for use by Jersey Water Works supporting members.

JWW will not take positions to oppose or support local, state, or federal legislation or formal executive actions, such as proposal or adoption of regulations or executive orders.

JWW may highlight and promote positive local projects and programs but may not publicly oppose them.

JWW may educate public officials and decision makers about the purpose and goals of JWW, including identified best practices in the field.

JWW committees may make recommendations to state, federal or local governments that would advance best practices or the JWW goals. These recommendations may or may not be related to a specific legislative/executive action but may not include going on record supporting or opposing such action.

When federal, state, or local legislative or executive action pertaining to the JWW goals are under active discussion/consideration, JWW staff and steering committee members may alert the membership.

  • a) Any alerts posted by staff will be neutral, not suggesting any particular position.
  • b) Members can then take action in their own name, not as JWW.
  • c Members and committees are encouraged to identify these opportunities and submit them to staff for inclusion in the weekly/bi-weekly updates.
  • d) JWW members may share their own advocacy positions with other members in response to the announcement.
  • e) When any such communications do not pertain to the JWW goals, staff will notify the membership and remove the posting

Please feel free to download and share these resources:

  1. The Jersey Water Works Brochure, which is a 4-page overview of the collaborative’s mission, goals, and history.
  2. The Priority Solutions Infographic that came out of the JWW Steering Committee’s strategic planning process. 
  3. An Organizational Structure Chart that depicts the collaborative’s levels and relationships of member involvement.


Jersey Water Works members are encouraged to use this guide as a resource when applying for grant funding opportunities.


Members are encouraged to download and digitally display the Jersey Water Works logo wherever they see fit. Click on the image to download it.

The Jersey Water Works Strategic Communications Recommendations and Message Platform Guide contains tips on how to effectively communicate about water and create strong messaging to engage and inform individuals about the current state of our water infrastructure, as well as the solutions JWW is working to achieve. Learn how to connect with your audience, starting with why everyone should care about the challenges we face in the water sector.


The short video below will give you an introduction and overview of Basecamp, the online platform that Jersey Water Works uses to communicate and collaborate.

If you’d like to reduce the frequency of Basecamp email notifications, follow these quick and easy steps.



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Jersey Water Works welcomes all interested individuals and organizations to join us that are interested in helping to improve the water infrastructure across the state for all current and future residents.

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