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Want Clean Water Included in New Federal Spending Plan? Sign on by Jan. 15

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Water main break Hoboken photo courtesy Hannah Binder2.2
Lauren Belsky, Program Coordinator, Jersey Water Works

Jersey Water Works members, your voices are needed to amplify water infrastructure as a federal priority.

Large infrastructure investments are under consideration in Washington, D.C. including a lame duck omnibus spending package and initiatives in the next Congress and Biden administration next year. Will clean water be included?  And, if so, will Jersey Water Works’ priorities be funded?  

To ensure our issues are addressed, the members of Jersey Water Works drafted a letter to the New Jersey Congressional Delegation to let representatives know how clean water should be prioritized in a new federal spending plan. The letter urges the New Jersey Congressional Delegation to support water infrastructure spending for state revolving fund programs, lead service line replacement, climate resilience, low-income assistance, and community development programs addressing environmental justice.

This letter is open to all members of Jersey Water Works. To sign on, please fill out this form with your name and affiliation by January 15. Questions should be directed to Paula Figueroa-Vega. If you are not a member and would like to sign on, become a member of Jersey Water Works. Joining is free and just takes a minute. 

With your support, we will ensure that all Americans have access to safe, affordable drinking water, flood- and sewage-free streets, and healthy waterways.

The urgency of the water-infrastructure problem in New Jersey’s older cities and towns cannot be overstated. Some areas are home to water infrastructure that is more than 100 years old, with pipes that leak or break, and are unable to handle the increasing volume that comes with successful urban revitalization. Legacy problems like lead in drinking water, flooding, combined sewer overflows, and water pollution threaten the health and safety of our communities and the environment, especially in environmental justice communities. 

Jersey Water Works members and partners understand the importance of the individual actions to transform our communities’ water systems: building rain gardens, attending public water and sewer utility meetings, encouraging local leaders to support water infrastructure, share water topics in your local newsletters, and more.

We also need support from congressional leaders to provide sustainable federal water infrastructure funding to protect public health and strengthen communities while also providing a significant economic stimulus, which is vital during the ongoing pandemic. The cost of upgrading our water infrastructure is substantial, and no single organization, community, or state can tackle this alone. 

Letter to New Jersey Congressional Delegation

Sign on form


Note: As a collaborative, Jersey Water Works does not take positions to oppose or support local, state, or federal legislation but its individual members may do so.

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