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Tracking Pollution in the Delaware Basin: Tools for Community Action

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Started 10:00 am|Ended 11:00 am

Introducing River Network’s new resource on tracking common sources of pollution and tools for community action in the Delaware Basin! Join us on January 31st at 10am to learn about tools and programs that can help you and your volunteers identify pollution sources – including combined sewer overflows, improperly maintained construction sites, road salt, and flooding – and take action. You’ll also learn about how groups in the Delaware and throughout the country have created innovative programs to combat these threats to water quality health.

We will hear from Elizabeth Cute of Buffalo Niagara Waterkeeper about their bacteria monitoring program and action steps they have taken on CSO discharges and water quality impairments. Ryan Neuman of Tookany/Tacony-Frankford Watershed Partnership (TTF) and Dave Bell, TTF volunteer, will discuss their experiences with monitoring and reporting on failing construction site pollution controls and notifying their local decision-makers on excessive road salt application and implications for their local streams.

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