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Safe Drinking Water Cybersecurity Grant Program – Informational Webinar

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Started 1:00 pm|Ended 2:00 pm
Please see the below information regarding a webinar launching a grant program managed by the New Jersey Cybersecurity & Communications Integration Cell (NJCCIC), which will assist water purveyors in improving their cybersecurity programs. Please contact NJCCIC at njccic@cyber.nj.gov if you have any questions.

On Monday, February 12 from 1:00PM-2:00PM, the NJCCIC will host an informational webinar to launch the Safe Drinking Water Cybersecurity Grant Program (SDWCGP).

Please use the following link to attend the meeting: SDWCGP Webinar
Meeting ID: 160 416 4779
Passcode: 907169

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