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JWW Annual Conference Virtual Session: Tapping into the Water Assistance Program for Low Income Households

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2022 JWW Conference_Water Assistancev4
Started 6:00 pm|Ended 7:00 pm

This evening workshop is intended to reach the broader community and is connected to JWW’s affordability goals. The workshop will focus on expanding awareness on NJ’s Low Income Household Water Assistance Program for communities and residents. Join the conversation with grassroots organizations and organizations that touch more deeply with consumers. This part two of the LIHWAP webinar series is focused on getting more people aware of this program, how to navigate the application process and discuss the opportunities around more long term solutions.

Larry Levine, Director, Urban Water Infrastructure and Senior Attorney, Natural Resources Defense Council, Moderator

Fidel Ekhelar, Director, Office of Home Energy Assistance, NJ Department of Community Affairs

Evelyn Liebman, Director of Advocacy, AARP NJ

Mami Hara, CEO, US Water Alliance


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