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How Hackensack is Working to Reduce Flooding and Combined Sewer Overflow

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Started 7:00 pm|Ended 8:00 pm

The City of Hackensack is taking significant strides to reduce flooding and reduce overflows (CSO) of its combined sewer system, which conveys both sanitary and stormwater flows. In so doing, the City seeks to reduce the impacts of flooding and stormwater pollution upon its residents and the local environment. Measures include combined sewer separation projects, stormwater capacity improvements, a large flood hazard mitigation project, and the Green Infrastructure for Environmental Justice Project with the Northern New Jersey Community Foundation. In this webinar, we will learn more about the strategies the City is taking to manage stormwater and CSO, including implementing new requirements associated with the City’s latest MS4 and NJPDES permits.

More info at registration link.

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