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2021 American Water Resources Association Mid-Atlantic Conference

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09/22/21 to 09/24/21

2021 AWRA Mid-Atlantic Conference (MAC) is an informative program on interdisciplinary communication on any aspect of water resources.

Presented by: Delaware Section-AWRA and New Jersey Section-AWRA

In conjunction with the National Capital Region Section, Pennsylvania State Section, and Philadelphia Metropolitan Area Section

Community, Conversation, Connections …

AWRA and the sections of the Mid-Atlantic region are committed to fostering interdisciplinary communication among persons of diverse backgrounds working on any aspect of water resources.

We anticipate that this Conference will carry on that mission with a program that will include a wide-range of water resources topics to interest practitioners, researchers and students from a variety of disciplines. Our goal is to provide an interesting and informative program that will provide attendees with lessons and tools to apply in their watershed.

Who should attend?

  • State, county, and municipal officials, planners, and engineers
  • Environmental and engineering consultants
  • Health officials and researchers
  • Water purveyors
  • Watershed association members
  • Soil Conservation District officials
  • Scientists from academic institutions
  • Graduate and undergraduate students
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