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Annual Membership Meeting

July 20, 2020
Started 10:00 am|Ended 12:00 pm

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Strong Infrastructure, Healthy New Jersey


The Fifth Annual Membership Meeting was held virtually on July 20, 2020, featuring the collaborative’s latest information, projects, and member updates.


The COVID-19 outbreak has both highlighted the many challenges the water sector has been facing for years, and emphasized just how essential clean, safe, affordable water, water and wastewater utility workers, and reliable infrastructure are to public health. 

The meeting included:

  1. State leaders’ COVID-19 response stories and ideas for getting ahead of the next crisis
    • Peggy Gallos, Association of Environmental Authorities, and JWW Steering Committee member (moderator)
    • Kim Gaddy, Clean Water Action
    • Assemblyman Robert Karabinchak, Chair of the Assembly Special Committee on Infrastructure and Natural Resources
    • Michele Putnam, New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection
    • Gregory A. Tramontozzi, Passaic Valley Sewerage Commission
  2. A sneak peek of Jersey WaterCheck and a chance to shape its creation and launch
    • Wynnie-Fred Victor Hinds, Newark Environmental Commission; Clean Water Action
    • Jyoti Venketraman, Jersey Water Works
  3. Hot-off-the-press member updates 
  4. Top highlights from JWW working committees

View a summary of the meeting and additional highlights here.

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