Upcoming Event: Hackensack River Nation Summit 2025Orange right arrow

Education and Outreach Committee

Change Committee
    1. Host or participate in at least two activities (meeting, event, letter campaign) that engage and inform elected officials about the benefits of investing in water infrastructure including the need for funding the LTCP, stormwater utilities, green infrastructure, and how to utilize Jersey WaterCheck as a resource.
    2. Conduct an interactive program for the public to increase understanding of complex water policies and create opportunities for a two-way exchange of ideas.
    3. Host two structured listening sessions with utilities to learn more about their challenges and continue to identify opportunities for synergy.
    4. Create a resource for water customers at risk of service shut-off when the moratorium is over. Share with utility companies and the general public.
    5. Host two networking events for JWW members and non-members to activate their participation.
    1. Make existing resources on water infrastructure more accessible for residents and other stakeholders by shaping a new JWW website interface.
    2. Share options for educating students on water infrastructure at the New Jersey Education Association’s annual conference.
    3. Submit a session proposal on water infrastructure for the ANJEC Congress.
    4. Host or participate in at least two national water infrastructure awareness events such as Infrastructure Week and Imagine A Day Without Water, and amplify those efforts through JWW’s communications platforms.
    1. Host or participate in two events to promote water workforce development, such as running facility tours, career days, or job fairs, and share supporting materials.
    2. Make existing informational resources on water infrastructure more accessible for residents and other stakeholders by creating a new Jersey Water Works website interface.
    3. Implement a pilot schools program in Robbinsville to educate grade-school students on water infrastructure and share lessons learned.
    4. Host or participate in at least two national water infrastructure awareness events such as Infrastructure Week and Imagine a Day Without Water and amplify those efforts through Jersey Water Works’ communications platforms.


    1. Advance implementation of “green streets” by recommending policy changes, promoting state and federal pilot projects, and expanding the complete streets “action” in the Sustainable Jersey certification program.
    2. Partner with Jersey Water Works members to host green infrastructure trainings for key stakeholders.
    3. Recommend ways to conduct an inventory of green infrastructure installations and their performance.
    4. Facilitate community advocacy for green infrastructure by assessing stakeholders’ needs for green infrastructure tools and training and developing solutions to fill the gaps.
  • Under Former Municipal Outreach Committee

    1. Support the New Jersey Urban Mayors Association Water Infrastructure Policy Committee in developing state policy recommendations on water infrastructure and announcing them at a fall event.
    2. Partner with the New Jersey League of Municipalities and other Jersey Water Works members to provide an educational webinar series for municipal officials.
    3. Encourage partners to host events and conferences that include water-related sessions and invite state and local officials to participate.

    Under Former Best Practices Committee

    1. Examine the legal impediments to establishing water infrastructure ratepayer assistance programs in New Jersey and identify policy recommendations to overcome them.
    2. Publish a report on “Cost Effective Investments for Water Infrastructure” and host an event to discuss implementation.
    3. Host educational events that utilize the framework provided by the NJ AIMS Guide, including training on water loss audits.
    4. Propose a completed Asset Management “action” for the Sustainable Jersey certification program.
  • Under Former Municipal Outreach Committee

    1. Continue outreach for Mayoral Proclamations and City Council Resolutions.
    2. Provide technical training for decision makers and their staff on water infrastructure and best management practices.
    3. Build awareness of Jersey Water Works and water infrastructure through a strong presence at external events with a municipal audience.

    Under Former Best Practices Committee

    1. Develop two actions for the Sustainable Jersey certification program: asset management and a water loss audit.
    2. Educate utilities about NJ A.I.M.S. and promote uptake through a presence at utility, municipal, and trade association conferences.
    3. Launch a recognition program for utilities that adopt N.J.A.1.M.S. practices through partnerships with water infrastructure trade associations.

    Under Former Community Engagement Committee

    1. Develop and enhance educational materials and actions for community members and community-based organizations.
    2. Develop a list of specific stakeholders in communities, targeting areas that are perceived to have fewer potential stakeholders. Develop and implement strategy for communicating with identified stakeholders.
    3. Develop “universal” public participation materials for permittees that would outline best practices and checklist of potential stakeholders for outreach and supplemental teams.
    4. Create a network for green infrastructure Municipal Action Teams to share best practices and support and expand work.
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