Municipalities and utilities adopt innovative CSO Long Term Control Plans (LTCPs) with cost-effective
solutions that meet or exceed permit requirements and provide multiple community benefits.
LTCPs incorporate and commit to an optimized balance of green and gray infrastructure to achieve the
goals of the Clean Water Act.
LTCPs prioritize proven approaches that reduce combined sewer system flows, such as inflow and infiltration (I & I) reduction, green stormwater infrastructure and water conservation.
Implementation of the LTCPs reflects early input of community stakeholders and delivers significant additional community benefits including improved public health, green space, economic revitalization and local jobs.
CSO LTCPs help ensure affordability for all ratepayers by using cost-effective overflow-reduction
strategies, state and federal funding assistance, equitable rate structures, innovative financing mechanisms, appropriate implementation schedules and leveraging of other public and private investments.
This graphic features committee milestones from 2016-2023.
Graphic created by Shweta Raman. View full image here.
Infrastructure Solutions
Policy recommendations, white papers, fact sheets, and reports.
Water Communications
Customizable resources for communicating the value of upgrading our water infrastructure, including funding stormwater management.
Community Engagement
The work Jersey Water Works and our members are doing to promote equitable water infrastructure solutions.