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Mountain River Flowing through Green Forest Rapid Flow Rock Covered with Moss
Asset Management and Finance Committee

Asset Management and Finance Committee

Change Committee

GOAL: Effective and Financially Sustainable Systems

Communities maintain and improve drinking water, wastewater and stormwater infrastructure systems to
deliver quality water services that meet community needs. Operating budgets and capital investment are
adequate and affordable, resulting in systems that operate efficiently and in a state of good repair.

1.1 Maintaining Systems

Utilities and departments maintain drinking water, wastewater and stormwater pipes and other water
infrastructure assets to efficiently and effectively reduce leakage, emergency repairs and other impacts.

1.2 Wise Management and Spending

State requirements, metrics and incentives along with utility policies ensure that utilities and departments implement water infrastructure asset management programs fully, with sufficient operating budgets and capital investments to deliver required and desired levels of service while minimizing life-cycle costs.

1.3 Adequate and Fair Revenue

Utilities and local governments raise the funds required to make appropriate capital investments and
ensure proper operation and maintenance in a cost-effective, equitable manner that treats ratepayers
fairly. Programs are authorized and established to ensure affordability. Stormwater utilities and
stormwater fees are authorized statewide and widely implemented.

1.4 Robust Government Funding Initiatives

Funding for existing federal water infrastructure financing program is maintained or increased. New state
funding for water infrastructure programs advance Jersey Water Works’ goals.


See Jersey Water Works latest news on paying for water infrastructure and affordability.



This graphic features committee milestones from 2016-2023.

Graphic created by Shweta Raman. View full image here.









Committee initiatives and work include:

Infrastructure Solutions

Policy recommendations, white papers, fact sheets, and reports.

Water Communications

Customizable resources for communicating the value of upgrading our water infrastructure, including funding stormwater management.

Community Engagement

The work Jersey Water Works and our members are doing to promote equitable water infrastructure solutions.

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